Zmanda Pro Deduplication Benchmarks

Use this data to estimate how much deduplication you can expect when using Zmanda Pro.

Test #1 - First Full Backup w/ 50% Duplicate Data


  • Source: 1TB of Windows files and folders (text files) w/ 50% duplicate data
  • Target: Wasabi Cloud Storage
  • Measured upload speed at time of test: 72 Mbps
  • Amount of data uploaded: 529 GB
  • Total time to complete backup*: 33 Hours (35.6 Mbps)
  • Deduplication Efficiency: 47.1%

*Total time includes time to duplicate, compress, and encrypt data, along with transfer time

Test #2 - Incremental Backup


  • Same backup set as Test #1 with 10% net new data and 10% changed data (1.1 TB total)
  • Results to be published

Deduplication Efficiency calculation:

Deduplication Efficiency (%) = (1−Total Data Stored/Unique Data Stored​) ×100