This guide provides step-by-step instructions for seamlessly upgrading both Zmanda Management Console and your backup server from version 4.x to the latest 5.x release.
Upgrade Paths:
Based on your current Zmanda version, you will need to follow the appropriate upgrade path provided below to upgrade to 5.0. You can experience all-new features and enhancements with Zmanda 5.0.
Currently Installed |
Upgrade Path |
4.1.2 |
4.1.2 → 4.1.3 → → 5.0 | | → → 5.0 | | → 5.0 |
3.6 → | → 5.0 |
3.6 |
3.6 → 5.0 |
Fresh install |
5.0 |
When upgrading Zmanda Enterprise on a Debian server, it's crucial to refer to the KB article to safeguard your configuration files.
Failure to follow this step could result in the loss of your configurations, potentially leading to operational disruptions and data loss.
Upgrading ZMC (Zmanda Management Console) and Backup Server from Version 4.x to 5.x
Step 1: Uninstall the Backup Server and ZMC binaries using the following commands.
RPM-based: #yum remove zmanda-platform-shared
Debian-based: #apt remove zmanda-platform-shared
Step 2: The /var/lib/amanda directory contains self-signed and tlsv3 certificates, perform the following step before installing 5.x binaries.
cd /var/lib/amanda
rm -rf .self-signed* .tlsv3*
Note: These files are hidden. To view them, use the ls -la command.
Step 3: Copy 5.x ZMC and backup server binaries to respective servers and give executable permissions.
#chmod +x
#chmod +x
Step 4: Before installing the ZMC and AE server, make sure SELinux is disabled.
# setenforce 0
Step 5: Execute the following command to disable the firewall.
RPM Based #service firewalld stop
Debian based #ufw disable
Step 6: Install the 5.x ZMC and backup server binaries by running them with superuser permissions.
Step 7: To check if the ZMC [zmc services] is installed correctly and is up and running, run the following command.
# setup-zmc
The output of the command should match the screenshot above if everything is running successfully.
Note: If the Hashicorp Unsealed state is false, you can use the below command to change the state to true.
setup-zmc unseal
# setup-aee
The output of the command should match the screenshot above if everything is running successfully.
Step 9: Upload 5.x license on the ZMC console to continue using ZMC 5.x.
Note :
It is mandatory to upgrade both Backup Server and ZMC.
Execute the below command before uninstalling 4.x if you migrated from 3.6 to 4. x earlier.
# rm -rf /etc/amanda~1 /etc/amanda.prev
Fresh install - 5.X [ ZMC and backup server ]
For detailed instructions on installing version 5.X, please refer to the Installation Guide.