Understanding vault job scheduling and activation

This article assists you in comprehending the scheduling and activation of vault jobs, allowing you to effectively secure your data.


When creating a vault job, you need to attach a schedule that determines when the vaulting process should start. This schedule typically consists of a specific time and frequency, such as daily at 10:00 PM. By scheduling the vault job, you ensure that your data is backed up regularly without manual intervention.


If you create a new vault job and click the Activate button, the vaulting process starts immediately instead of waiting for the scheduled time. This is because the Activate button overrides the scheduled time and triggers the vaulting process directly.

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  1. Activating a vault with a schedule that was supposed to start earlier triggers the vaulting process immediately. This behavior is intentional and ensures that the vaulting for the backup set occurs at least once. This results in an immediate entry on the Monitor page.

2.     Activating a vault with an upcoming schedule start time does not trigger the vaulting process immediately. Instead, the vaulting occurs as per the scheduled time or when the
Vault Now option is selected.

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By understanding these nuances, you can effectively manage your vault jobs, ensuring that your data remains protected and readily available when you need it.