This article is for Amanda Enterprise (AE)
During differential backup VSS gives all the blocks which are changed since the last full backup for each database and we backup these changed blocks. In case the changed block size is quite big then C: will be filling up. If sufficient disk space is not available under default location you need to change the location.
To change the temporary directory you need to do the following:
- Go to start => Run
- regedit => HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Zmanda\ZWC\1.0\Engine
- Modify the TempDir location to another drive where you have free space and make sure you had created that location there
- Modify the TemplateLocation to drive where you have free space and make sure you had created that location there.
For Vista and above:
Copy the contents of C:\ProgramData\Zmanda\Zmanda Client for Windows - Server Edition\misc to the new TemplateLocation you have created.
For Windows XP & 2003
C:\Program Files\Zmanda\Zmanda Client for Windows - Server Edition\misc to the new Template Location you have created.
Make sure that the registry value has trailing slash for eg if your temp location is Z:\temp and template location is Z:\template then registry entry should be Z:\temp\ & Z:\template\
- Make sure that the new path is readable and writable by the amandabackup user
- Restart ZWCService