When performing a backup, the Report shows a Strange result.
In the DUMP SUMMARY a STRANGE DUMP is reported: "C:/" lev 0 STRANGE (see below)
In the Notes field, the following error appears:
/-- "C:/" lev 0 STRANGE sendbackup: start ["C:/" level 0] sendbackup: info BACKUP=pkzip sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=Extract with zmanda windows client or unzip program sendbackup: info end | ZWC Backup ID: 5000 ? Index creation failed sendbackup: size 30000000 sendbackup: end \--------
The Zmanda Windows Client uses an internal database to store the status of the backup or Index. This database must be in a good state for the storage of this information. If ZWC cannot save the data, it will report a strange error and that the Index creation failed. The most common cause of this error is a database crash from the root disk being full or from a Window crash.
To resolve this issue, the system must be in a good state with the root disk not full. After verifying there is free space on the drive, ZWC should be shut down.
To shut down ZWC:
As an Administrator user
- Bring up the Windows/Start Menu and type in
- Select the Services panel
- Scroll to the ZWC Service and right-click
- Select Stop
Once ZWC is stopped, the zwcrepair.bat batch file can be run:
As the Administrator user
- Bring up the Windows/Start Menu and type in
- Right click on Command Prompt/cmd and select Run as Administrator
- Change directory into the ZWC Installation directory:
cd "C:\Program Files\Zmanda\Zmanda Client for Windows - Server Edition(x64)\bin"
- Run the zwcrepair.bat batch file:
Start the ZWC Service
As an Administrator user
- Bring up the Windows/Start Menu and type in
- Select the Services panel
- Scroll to the ZWC Service and right click
- Select Start