No Writable Valid Tape Found

This article is for Amanda Enterprise (AE) 

Issue Symptoms

A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [No acceptable volumes found].
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
Run amflush to flush them to tape.

Issue Description

This error is to let you know that, of the media currently available, none may be used for backup.  This error should generally only occur when using physical media as with a tape changer or single tape drive.


  • For a tape library, make sure usable tapes considering the current Tapes in Rotation setting on the Backup| When page are available in the changer and are either already labeled and able to be autolabeled.
  • For a single tape drive, make sure the tape in the drive is usable and is the next tape Amanda is expecting to use during backup.  Execute the command "amadmin BackupSetName tape" from command line as the amandabackup user to have Amanda list which tape(s) it is expecting to use next.
  • Make sure the tape(s) is not write protected.