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  2. Backend Operations


This article is for Amanda Enterprise (AE)

Terms and Prerequisites

All values are case-sensitive.

variable definition
backup_set Name of the backup set that you are invoking a run for.
hostname Hostname or IP address of the client that you are invoking a run for, as shown in Backup| What. For NDMP and VMware backups, this value is always
object A regular expression that matches the object path as shown in Backup| What, or the alias if one is set. One value of object can therefore match multiple backup objects, so it is recommended to anchor the expression within ^ (beginning of line) and $ (end of line). For CIFS and VMware backups, backslashes are used and must be escaped. See the examples below.

The following commands must be run as the amandabackup user.

su - amandabackup

Amanda Enterprise 3.3

Invoke backup for specific object(s)

/opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/amdump.sh <backup_set> [hostname] [object] [<hostname> [object] [...]]

Invoke backup as a full run

/opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/amdump.sh <backup_set> -o DUMPTYPE:zmc_global_base:strategy=noinc

Invoke backup as incremental run/opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/amdump.sh <backup_set> -o DUMPTYPE:zmc_global_base:strategy=incronly


Backing up specific objects all as full:/opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/amdump.sh BackupSet -o DUMPTYPE:zmc_global_base:strategy=noinc localhost '^/etc$' windows-client '^C:/backup folder$' '^//ndmp-filer/vol/share$' '^\\\\windows-client\\cifs-share$'

Amanda Enterprise 3.1

Invoke backup for specific object(s)

/opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/amdump_wrapper --config <backup_set> --option "<hostname> [object] [<hostname> [object] [...]]"

Invoke backup as a full run

/opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/amdump_wrapper --config <backup_set> --option "-o DUMPTYPE:zmc_global_base:strategy=noinc"

Invoke backup as incremental run

/opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/amdump_wrapper --config <backup_set> --option "-o DUMPTYPE:zmc_global_base:strategy=incronly"


Backing up specific objects all as full:

/opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/amdump_wrapper --config BackupSet --option "-o DUMPTYPE:zmc_global_base:strategy=noinc localhost '^/etc$' windows-client '^C:/backup folder$' '^//ndmp-filer/vol/share$' '^\\\\windows-client\\cifs-share$' "