How to use Solaris 10 Service Management Facility (SMF)

This article is for Amanda Enterprise (AE)

Info Description:

Amanda Enterprise uses Solaris' Service Management Facility (SMF) to run the Zmanda Solaris Client backup service and ZMC recovery service on a Solaris client.  After client installation (AE server install includes client software), these services should be able to be found using the svcs command and should be in an "online" state:

# svcs svc:/network/amandaserver/tcp:default svc:/network/zmrecover/tcp:default
STATE          STIME    FMRI
online         Dec_23   svc:/network/amandaclient/tcp:default
online         Dec_23   svc:/network/zmrecover/tcp:default

On an Amanda server, the Zmanda Solaris Client backup service name will be "svc:/network/amandaserver/tcp:default".  With AE 3.3.6 and earlier, the Zmanda Solaris Client backup service name is simply "/network/amanda/tcp:default".

If either the backup, recovery, or both services are not in an "online" state, attempt to enable each offline service with the svcadm command, for example:

# svcadm enable svc:/network/amandaserver/tcp:default

If one or both services are still not online after the above command, please check Solaris logging and documentation to remedy the issue.