If you have misplaced or forgotten your ZMC password, this guide can help you reset it.
In the event of a lost/forgotten password for the ADMIN or Local User account for ZMC container-based deployments:
Log in as a root user on the server where the ZMC container is hosted, and run the below command from within the zmanda-zmc container directory:
docker-compose exec web bash -c "cd /var/lib/amanda && /usr/local/bin/manage-zmc-service reset_password admin <<pwd>>"
Note: If the password reset operation is not for the ADMIN account, ensure you replace admin in the above command with Zmanda Username.
In the event of a lost/forgotten password for the ADMIN or Local User account for ZMC VBA/Binary based deployments:
Log in as a root user on the server where ZMC is installed and run the below command:
After executing the above command, you will get the following prompts -
Enter Username:
Enter the Password:
Retype the Password:
Once you enter all the required details, the password will be reset for the user.