This article is for Amanda Enterprise (AE)
When updating the SSL certificate for the apache webserver built into ZMC, you will need to generate a certificate using an online entity such as DigiCert (, or self-signed certificates.Once you have the above mentioned certificates you will need to generate the .crt (certificate) and .key (certificate key) files.They should be placed in the folder below:
Find two files:
ZMC-server.crt ZMC-server.key
Rename them:
# mv ZMC-server.crt ZMC-server.crt.bak # mv ZMC-server.key ZMC-server.key.bak
With the new .crt and .key files, rename to:
# mv <NewCertificate.crt> ZMC-server.crt # mv <NewCertKey.key> ZMC-server.key
Then change permission to read/write (root only) for each with:
# chmod 600 ZMC-server.crt # chmod 600 ZMC-server.key
After this we need to restart the apache webserver:
# /etc/init.d/zmc_aee restart
If you would like to use different names for your new certificate and key names, the certificate file names are referenced in the file:
You can update this file with the new names as needed.