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How to Collect Zmanda Server Logs (3.x Versions)

Read on for steps on how to use the zm-support utility to collect logs that are helpful for troubleshooting.

This article covers log collection for:

  • Amanda Enterprise (AE 3.1, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6)

  • Zmanda Recovery Manager for MySQL (ZRM)

  • ZRM Option for NetBackup 

Notes Before Beginning

  • These steps only apply to Zmanda 3.x versions. For 4.x log collection, see this link

  • The zm-support utility should be run as the root user.

  • When you generate new logs and upload them to the share link provided by a support team member, please make sure to include the names of those files within your support ticket as well. This will ensure quicker response times from the support team. 

Steps for Zmanda 3.3 and Above

The zm-support utility will collect logs for the named backup set(s). The following command generates a log archive for the backup set BackupSet1 on the Amanda server

 /opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/zm-support BackupSet1

The utility can also collect logs for multiple backup sets at the same time by supplying their names as a comma-separated list:

/opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/zm-support BackupSet1,BackupSet2,BackupSet3

Alternately, names of backup sets may be omitted to collect logs for all backup sets on the server.

The utility output will indicate the filename of the generated archive. Please update your support case with this filename so that the Zmanda Support Team is informed that the files were uploaded and that they are associated with that support case. 

Including Index Files

By default, the zm-support script excludes index files: lists of the files backed up in each backup image. In some cases, index files may be needed to
troubleshoot the issue. To include them in the log collection, please add the --all-log-files flag. For example:

/opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/zm-support --all-log-files BackupSet1

Steps for Zmanda 3.1 and Below

Server logs for the named backup set can be collected using the following command:

/opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/zm-support --config BackupSet1

The utility can also collect logs for multiple backup sets at the same time by supplying their names as a comma-separated list:

/opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/zm-support --config BackupSet1,BackupSet2,BackupSet3

Alternately, names of backup sets may be omitted to collect logs for all backup sets on the server.

The log archive will be generated in your current working directory. If it is less than 10 MB , you can attach the archive to your email reply or via the Support tab of your Zmanda Network portal. Otherwise, please upload the archive to the link shared by the support agent.

The utility will print the filename of the generated archive. Please update your support case with this filename so that the Zmanda Support Team is informed that the files were uploaded and that they are associated with that support case.

Including Index Files

By default, the zm-support script excludes index files: lists of the files backed up in each backup image. In some cases, index files may be needed to troubleshoot the issue. To include them in the log collection, please add the --all-log-files flag. For example:

/opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/zm-support --all-log-files --config BackupSet

Steps for ZRM Servers

Enable Verbose Logging

Before collecting logs, please reproduce the problem that you would like to report with verbose logging enabled per the instructions below.

ZRM 3.2 and later

Set Backup| How > Backup Alerts/Logging > Verbose Logging: Yes for the relevant backup set(s).

ZRM 3.1 and earlier

Add the following property to the backup set's configuration file located at /etc/mysql-zrm/mybackup set/mysql-zrm.conf where "mybackupset" is the name of your backup set:


Collecting Logs

Run the zm-support script to generate a log archive.


The log archive will be generated in your current working directory. If it is less than 10 MB, you can attach the archive to your email reply or via the Support tab of your Zmanda Network portal. Otherwise, please upload the archive to the link shared by the support agent.

The script will print the filename of the generated archive. Please update your support case with this filename so that the Zmanda Support Team is informed that the files were uploaded and that they are associated with that support case.

Server Log Archives 

Server logs help the Zmanda Support team troubleshoot issues. They contain:

  • Debug logging
  • Configuration settings
  • Information about your operating system environment

The zm-support script collects the above information and packages them into a log archive, which is created in the current working directory. When creating a support case, please provide as much information as possible about the problem you are experiencing in the case description

  • error messages that are being displayed
  • steps to reproduce the problem
  • screenshot(s) of the affected Zmanda Management Console (web console) pages